Thursday, 7 February 2013

Our first post!

    We are very excited to be starting a healthy eating blog and hope to give you a little taste of our lives in St. Kitts, and from each of our individual backgrounds. We hail from California, Ohio and Michigan and have all converged here in the Caribbean to attend veterinary school. This past year while living together, we discovered our passion for healthy, wholesome meals. We want to share these with you while tying in our ethnic backgrounds as well as foods traditionally eaten here in St. Kitts, helping you discover them as we discover them ourselves.

Open air market in Basseterre, St. Kitts.

      Our first meal is Ground Turkey Stuffed Plantains. Don't worry! We were a bit skeptical at first too, but our friend Alex introduced this dish to us as a traditional meal her family ate in Puerto Rico. While the family recipe is a secret, we adapted it and we think you'll enjoy it as much as we do!

Hana, Jackie R., Jackie K. and Alex.  Thank you Alex.

       In order to fully appreciate the things you may easily find in the states and elsewhere, we have to tell a quick story on how we were able to obtain ground turkey on this island. It's always an adventure here trying to find certain ingredients and foods that we were used to back home. Well, we definitely are not able to find lean ground turkey on this island. After every fifteen week semester we have a two week break until the next one, so I (Jackie R.) went home and loaded a fifteen pound cooler with frozen steaks and ground turkey and hauled that thing through three airports. It's amazing the things you learn! You can take meat through an airport as long as it's frozen, who knew?? Stay tuned for our first recipe!! :]

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